How to fill up the car tire appropriately and increasingly safety drive?

Things that come in contact with the road surface every day. It is also an important component of our cars, namely ‘tires’ supporting the weight of the car, as well as helping to reduce shock and vibration from the outside. Today Borneo will share tips for taking care of your tires and checking your tire pressure, and how much to fill up the tires is suitable for our smart cars. in order not to deteriorate the quality of the rubber, covering helps to increase safety from road accidents as well.

πŸ›ž How much should each type of car fill up the car tire? πŸ›ž

It can be called the important thing that we should pay attention to ‘inflating car tires’ is inflating tires according to the recommended pressure of each type of car The tire pressure can be seen on the sticker on the side of the driver’s door β€˜Our cars are inflated to a normal level.’ In Thailand, the unit of measurement is PSI or Pound per Square inch in providing standardized tire pressure in air pumps across the country. At the same time, tire pressure data may be adjusted according to the load and driving speed, so as not to affect the car’s control, braking, and the car’s oil.

🚲 Mini cars: Tires should be inflated to about 25-30 PSI.

πŸš™ Medium-sized cars (saloons): Tires should be inflated to about 30-35 PSI.

πŸ›» Pickup truck (not loaded): Tires should be inflated to about 35-40 PSI.

🚎 Van for 7-10 people: Tires should be inflated to about 43-55 PSI.

πŸ›ž More or less tire inflation. What is the effect? πŸ›ž

When we know the tire pressure information of each type of car.~ Always maintaining proper tire pressure is another good discipline of car users to make their tires have a long service life. Because when we can control the car well, safe driving will follow, and it also makes our cars more fuel efficient. The tire pressure will decrease by an average of 2-3 PSI in 1 month, car users should check the amount of tire pressure on average 1-2 times per month.

β›½ Tire pressure too low 🌬️

In driving when the tire pressure is too low we will feel the softness of the lower part, driving does not stick to the road. Especially when driving fast or on uneven ground, the car will throw, be unsteady, and react slowly when cornering. As a result, the engine works harder than normal and consumes a little oil because the missing tire pressure causes the car to consume 5-10% more fuel. Especially if the tire pressure is too weak! For vehicles with heavy loads, there may be a risk of tire bursts. Due to deformation or sidewall twisting due to heat causing the pressure in the tire to expand through friction with the road surface.

β›½ Tire pressure too much 🌬️

Of course, inflating the tires makes the car start well, but if the tire pressure is too high, it may affect driving as well. Because the rubber is tight and hard, it will reduce contact. The performance of adhesion or shock absorption from the road may not be as good as it should be until you feel more vibration than usual. Resulting in sudden braking increases the distance and the wear and tear of other parts, such as car suspension or steering column, etc. Or in terms of uneven tread wear, resulting in a shorter service life including the risk of slipping on rainy days distracting the driver while driving.

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