‘7 ways to cope with post-vacation blues’ to get you ready to come back to work

Of course, something that could be a shadow to many people after the ‘New Year Festival’ I can’t escape the feeling of sadness, depression, boredom, and frustration. You still think of a happy holiday that just passed away, right? No matter what you do, it doesn’t look fresh, not bright, lacks concentration, lacks motivation, or is completely burned out. Don’t wonder for yourself! this is the reaction that the chemical of happiness such as the endorphin hormone gradually decreases sharply because our brains are still adjusting from the comfort of being relaxed and happy from being unable to let go. This is something that can happen to everyone with an emotional state known as ‘Post-vacation blues’ which does not have any serious impact on daily life. It can also disappear within 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks. Today Borneo shares ‘7 ways to cope with post-vacation blues’ to get you ready to come

🧳 1. Things to do before and after departure 👍🏻

Prepare in order not to have to face depression by cleaning the house before traveling to come back our minds will be at peace, relax, don’t feel the headache of cleaning. In addition, additional leave at least another 1-2 days after a long holiday, can also help restore both physical and emotional state. as well as prepare in terms of work plans, documents, and clothing before returning to life in normal mode.

🧳 2. Don’t forget to take care and pay attention to your health 👍🏻

Rejuvenate your tired body with fat-free protein foods to fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, it helps fill the benefits to the body well. At the same time, exercise increases vigor and also helps us to be happy and strong, but do it in a way that doesn’t overwork your body. Get 7-8 hours of sound sleep in a calm environment to repair and balance neurotransmitters in the brain to return to its original state and quickly return to freshness and clarity.

🧳 3. Solve burnout with your favorite motivations and hobbies 👍🏻

If burnout syndrome is the set a thief to catch a thief solution is to find motivation. We can start setting goals for progress in life, looking for new skills and hidden advantages, including keeping an eye on activities or hobbies that we like and creating happiness, such as, reading books, watching movies, listening to music, playing with pets, cooking, etc. This is to deviate from depression, as well as relax yourself from the fatigue of traveling in the body.

🧳 4. Live happily in the present 👍🏻

To make our lives tidy and happy each day, short planning Whether it’s about work or personal matters can help motivate us to be alert. Because we will know what to do, what has been accomplished, and the reasons for what we do each day, going out to find new restaurants or taking a short walk which doesn’t have to be far from where we live. But what is equally good is that we keep the idea that “We can be happy every day” it can help heal the mind as well.

🧳 5. Be kind to yourself and increase motivation to work 👍🏻

Focus on how you feel through things that are happy and comfortable, limit the use of social media, including those that put pressure on us, Don’t feel guilty when refusing, avoid conflicts from talking, sincerely respect different opinions, and accept your imperfections and those around you. Change the mood by rearranging your desk, and adjust the boring and monotonous working style to be more creative and fun. Or change the hairstyle, make-up, and dress up to add color.

🧳 6. Having a partner is important 👍🏻

Try to find a partner for both work and personal life! Sometimes things that keep and carry everything alone might make something getting through harder than talking to each other. As the proverb says “Two heads are much better than one”. Having a good buddy, we will have people to help motivate us, support what we are not confident in, and be good energy for us to dare to reach that goal, when we encounter problems, we still have someone to consult and find a solution. But when it comes to their sadness you don’t forget to play the part of a trusted friend who is ready to listen to them.

🧳 7. The next journey awaits us! 👍🏻

Another technique for reducing stress after a long holiday that is very effective is trip by trip, or travel planning immediately on the next long weekend creates a big motivation. Then work to save money to continue traveling, why are you sad? This trick will help all absorbed people to be able to allocate their daily workload. Waiting anxiously, wanting to finish the job to prepare travel plans and save money. Enjoy the rest of the time in a heartwarming way to count down to the upcoming new journey.

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