5 Tips to Get The Car Ready for Songkran Festival

Driving a car is an indispensable thing for the Thai New Year Festival, whether we travel or travel home to meet family or go out to Songkran Water Festival. The road will full of cars especially during the long weekend. Therefore, Borneo will share 5 Tips to Get The Car Ready for the Songkran Festival for driving safety and zero accidents.

5 Tips to Get The Car Ready for Songkran Festival

5 Tips to Get The Car Ready for Songkran Festival

1. Prepare the electric system.
Checking the electric system whether the front lights, rear lights, signal lights, fog lights, passenger lights, brake lights, turn signals, etc. If damaged, change before traveling.

2. Prepare the liquid in the engine.
Taking your car to the garage before traveling. Check the engine and the liquid in the engine such as distilled water, batteries lubricant auto transmission fluid, brake fluid, etc. by expert technicians.

3. Prepare car tires.
Checking car tires in the important things to do before traveling. Inflating the tires or changing new tires both inner and outer tires.

4. Prepare air conditioning systems.
Checking the air conditioning systems of your car, air conditioner fan, and the air conditioner to keep in good condition. This will help the driver to enjoy driving and their companion.

5. Prepare emergency vehicle equipment.
Checking the emergency vehicle equipment such as towing cables, tow cables, battery extension cable, spanners, jacks, portable air inflator.

Read the Thai version here!
