What should every newbie know about deciding to have your own personal car?

‘Cars’ are one of the most essential vehicles in a society where the public transportation system is not fully covered. The advantage of having a car is that it helps create convenience, no need to be sweaty or wet from going through the sun, wind, rain, or adverse weather conditions. At the same time, you also get to spend time with yourself, friends, loved ones, or family in privacy. You can travel anywhere with just one connection and set the time you want to leave home even in emergencies. It can also carry more luggage with no weight restrictions, and no need to crowd people in an era full of epidemics, making many people dream of having their own car.

Many factors and lifestyles make buying a car more difficult because you have to make a good decision about the trade-offs and the answers you get. Today Borneo wants everyone to explore the readiness, needs, and purposes of using cars. What every newbie should know about deciding to have their car is that this is actually what you ‘want’ or ‘need’ because cars are high-priced assets that come with expenses.

🚗 Things you should know about having a personal car 🌈

1. Necessity and answer 📍

The first point of having a personal car is ‘Necessity for using a car’ Because buying a car is a rather heavy and long-term burden. Especially if you don’t have high financial liquidity, you have to weigh and consider the reasons for the use of cars. And answer yourself for what purpose you are buying a car, what are your goals, and what type of car you should buy. Including studying the car you are interested in detail and price to estimate future expenses. Is it appropriate for our income or income?

2. Financial burden in terms of debts and expenses 📍

Later, owning one car you have to spend quite a bit of money, they also take time to pay installments and pay interest to financial institutions for many years. The car installment should not exceed 20-30% of total income. In addition to debt from installment payments, you also have other miscellaneous expenses about cars that might interfere with debt and other expenses in the family, such as fuel costs, maintenance costs, insurance costs, tax renewal fees, cost of the oil change, car wash cost, etc. Call that if you don’t plan well, it may become a financial problem in the future!

3. Cars are things that depreciate 📍

Of course, after using the car in terms of frequency of use, this is another factor that needs to be thought of. Because our cars are things that depreciate, the value of cars will gradually increase. Keep falling. As time passes, even today our cars may still function well without any problems, but considering value for money is necessary. If you rarely use it, having a car may not suit your lifestyle, because every day the condition of the car will gradually change, deteriorating with time which many car owners may overlook or ignore. As well as frequently checking and maintaining the car’s condition before traveling, washing and cleaning regularly, and taking the car to the center to check the condition.

4. Things you can’t avoid on the road 📍

When you have to change your role from passenger to driver, no matter how close or far you are, you must endure the fatigue of becoming the driver yourself. Especially on heavy traffic routes in Thailand in the morning or evening along with people who use their own cars just like us, you cannot choose to change the method of travel according to the situation. You must also be mindful and responsible for every risk on the road that happens from driving while behind the wheel when you accidentally crash or hit another person, that’s because accidents can happen at any time.

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